Online Community Stories:
The foundations of a community truly loooooved by its members

LeadDev is a community of software engineering leaders that come together both online and offline to get inspired on all things team, tech, process and personal development.

The brand is run by fresh and forward thinking White October Events founded by Ruth Yarnit and Dave Fletcher.

They have been running very successful physical events ranging between 600-1,500 attendees and the moment they decided to pivot their LeadDev Live event to virtual they received over 12,000 registrations.

Their community offering includes, a very comprehensive content platform with commissioned content and articles written by community members, virtual and offline events and small meetups.

Why is LeadDev loved by its community and equally rewarded with their attention, engagement, virtual love and ultimately money?

These are some of the topics and themes we will be touching on the day:

  • LeadDev's strong ethos, vision and code of conduct
  • Why, not thinking and acting like an events business, makes your community love you more
  • The importance of diversity and harassment-free experiences for everyone within your community
  • Give first in order to get from the community
  • The recipe for LeadDev's success
  • Selling out physically vs the opportunities for digital

Be part of the conversation. Make sure to sign up, so you can watch the session after!